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New Theory Emerged Explaining Why Doctor Strange Gave The Time Stone To Thanos While It Was Still Glowing

The most anticipated movie of the year and something that the fans was eagerly waiting for the last one decade – Avengers: Infinity War made billions on the box office is about to release on digital media and Blu-Ray.


The Verge/Chuck Zlotnick/Marvel Studios

Everyone was left with their heart-crushed after the movie ended. We all know what happened; I just don’t want to relive it, so we are keeping it aside.


However, there is one theory about Infinity War that’s gushing the internet, and surely people are blown away.

LoL-Guru, a Reddit user has addressed every small detail about the movie, and that’s impressive.

Slash Film

Remember when Thanos addresses Doctor Strange about he never used his greatest weapon. Well, he was referring to the Time Stone. Yeah, seriously, why didn’t Strange used the most powerful weapon on his side to defeat the Mad Titan by removing the Infinity Gauntlet again after their first plan failed?


Here is the answer (more of a theory).

The Time Stone has the power to reverse, pause, and slow time but the Power Stone that Thanos had would have allowed him to do the same, says LoL-Guru.

Hollywood Reporter

Thanos would have able to channel the power of the Time Stone using the Power Stone. This is the main reason why he obtained the Power Stone in the first place.


When Doctor Strange pulls out the Time Stone out of nowhere to save Tony/Iron Man’s life, Lol-Guru noticed two strange elements;

  • The Mad Titan didn’t actually physically grasped the stone, but it was handled by its green aura
  • The Time Stone was glowing bright which was unusual given the fact that they only glow when their powers are being used

So, what’s the catch? LoL-Guru explains that the Time Stone can be sent through time all by itself – backward or forward.

YouTube/Thanos Table

Here is the revelation that will give you Goosebumps.

The Time Stone was glowing brilliantly because it actually traveled back in time from the future. Of course, it didn’t travel to the future because we all know that Thanos is immortal and he will wait for it.


Strange sent the Time Stone to the Future so that the leftover Avengers could use it. Once they have finished using it, then only it will return to the present.


It means that the stone will appear on Titan after the Mad Titan snaps his fingers.


But who is there to discover it – Tony Stark! This is the reason why Strange begged Thanos to let him live.

This means that the Avengers have already won the battle against Thanos and sent the stone back in time!


Does this mean that what we watched in the Infinity War was all past? Thanos was using the stone from a reality where he had lost. Did Doctor Strange preplan it all?


Well, my mind is totally blown, what about you?

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