Categories: Healthlife

How You Can Get Rid Of Excess Skin After Weight Loss

pc: Body Art Surgical

Many people get successful in losing weight but the problem happens when your loose skin bothers you.


But loose or saggy skin is a common problem after losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time.

According to Dr. Malin, ‘’skin has some degree of elasticity that allows it to expand and contract around a person’s changing body frame.’’


“We don’t really understand completely why some people’s skin contracts better than others, but we do know that excess skin is a common problem for people who lose more than, say, 20 or 30% of their body weight.”

Dr. Malin says that people who undergo bariatric surgery and lose a large amount of weight are likely to face the problem of excess skin afterwards.

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But people who lose weight through exercise and diet also face the problem of excess skin.

Dr. Malin says: “We do believe that a slower weight loss is less likely to cause this because it allows the skin time to contract,”


“But we see patients who have lost weight quickly, and patients who have lost weight over time, so there’s really no guarantee.”

“If a patient really wants to get rid of those prominent skin folds that won’t go away no matter how much they exercise or how they eat, there aren’t many non-surgical things that can be done.”

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Women who might still want to have children in future should not go for any type of skin-removal procedure around their midsection. ‘’The effects can be somewhat unpredictable,” Dr. Malin says.


This may result in stretch marks, widening of the surgical incision, or fat being distributed in unusual places beneath the skin.

He says that keeping your skin protected from the sun, staying hydrated keeps your skin healthy and using moisturizer and not smoking helps to improve elasticity and health of skin which also results in minimizing wrinkles.


Dr. Malin says that undergoing surgery for excess skin is not a good idea especially when you are still in the process of losing weight or there are some chances that you will gain it back right away.

“We look to see that a patient is at a healthy weight based on their body mass index or based on their lifestyle and how they feel,” Dr. Malin says. “I want a patient to be at that stable weight for about six months since their weight loss, which gives the body time to get back to equilibrium.”




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