Categories: Familylife

Evil Father Burnt His Kids Alive in A Car And Took Away His Own Life

Father burnet his three kids alive in his wife’s car and stabbed him to death.


He watched his kids burn to ashes and repeatedly stabbed himself till he died.


Rowan Charles had three kids, Aaliya, six, Laianah, four and Trey three.


All the three kids died inside the family’s white SUV at about 8 am on Wednesday.

Hannah Baxter, the mother, 31, died on Wednesday night from burns.

She leapt outside the Kia Sportage in the burned body.


Ms Baxter was extinguished with the help of neighbours before she was rushed to the hospital.


Baxter, 42 years old, jumped to the car when his wife was strapping in the kids to drop at the school.

Aaron, a neighbour, was a witness to the entire event.



He didn’t realize the gravity of the situation until he saw Ms Baxter roll on the footpath for help.


By the time he rushed to the spot, Ms Baxter was out from the car and trying to smother the flames.


The smart neighbour also tried to dodge the fire with a garden hose.


Witnesses also said that they heard her crying and shouting that he had poured petrol on her.

On this moment, Baxter was still alive.


He returned back to the car, to get a knife and stabbed himself on the chest.


Aaron, who was trained in CPR, thought that Baxter was trying to stop him from helping his children in the final moments.


He said he was outraged and was going absolutely crazy as if he wanted the car to burn into ashes.


According to the reports, the couple has been recently separated and closed down their business that they once run together.


In the past few months, Baxter has been posting videos and photos of his kids and expressing his love towards them.


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