Categories: Healthlife

Energy Drinks Can Increase The Risk Of A Heart Stroke According To Researchers

A study conducted by the University of Texas in Huston has recently discovered that the adverse effects of the “new-age” energy drinks harm more than stomach and liver.


These energy drinks were discovered to shrink the blood vessels to about half their original size.

The team of researchers involved in the study united 44 participants, all categorised as ‘healthy’ non-smokers within their early 20s, from McGovern Medical School at UTHealth.


The endothelium is the lining of cells around the blood vessels, lack of dilation in which is known to be a major cause of heart strokes.


The endothelial function of all the participants was tested before they drank the energy drink to have parameters for comparison. Then the participants were again tested 90 minutes later. The scientists revealed that the blood vessels of the students had narrowed by half after the consumption of the energy drinks.


When the blood vessels shrink from their original size, it becomes difficult for the heart to perform circulation and this can lead to heart strokes.


Dr John Higgins, a professor at McGovern School expressed his concern in the study over the increasing consumption of energy drinks. After going through the results of the study, there is no prudent frequency in which the consumption of these substances can be safe.


Schools have long been suffering because of the availability of energy drinks to kids as they prefer skipping their breakfast and substitute it for these drinks. This not only affects their diet but also simulate them.

They contain substances which were earlier recognised as working in lieu of coffee, but new studies have shown results that they are even more harmful.


The negative health effects of energy drinks on children and the risks they are posing to their health are giving the government reasons to ban the sale of energy drink to kids to protect them. This is a welcome step for parents and schools as well.


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