Categories: Animals/Petslife

An Endangered Pygmy Elephant Found With 70 Bullets in His Body

It is unfortunate to see how the poachers attack the endangered and rare species on this planet just for their own selfish needs.


Recently, an endangered pygmy elephant was found with 70 bullets in the body. It was a sad moment to find an endangered elephant dead with so many injuries on its body.


The dead elephant was found near a river in Sabah, Malaysia and its body was in a terrible state, tied to a tree.


A group of fishermen spotted the dead elephant, and it was immediately taken for postmortem.

It was revealed in the postmortem report that the elephant was shot 70 times with the bullets and it was difficult to determine the duration of the suffering before the death.


There was no clarity on the time duration between the shots, and that’s why it became difficult to figure out the suffering time of the elephant. The poachers also took away the tusks of the elephant and left it in a terrible state near the river.


When the fishermen found the elephant, they said that half of its body was lying underwater while the other half could be seen on the ground.


The police claim that the incident involves at least 5 to 6 poachers who shot the elephant so severely.


There is a law in Malaysia to sentence five years of jail and a massive fine to the person found guilty for killing the endangered pygmy elephant.


It is sad to know that more than 100 pygmy elephants have been killed in the last ten years for the tusks and other valuable things that are sold for more than hundreds of pounds.


We must protect the endangered species on this planet before they disappear, but sadly people are only after killing them.

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