Categories: life

Elephant Mama Tries to Wake Her Baby Up But The Caretaker Had to Step In

Mothers are always mothers.


They may keep scolding you all day long on anything at all that you may do, at the same time they will also panic about every little thing they think that can cause you any harm at all.


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You are late from school by a few minutes; your mom will start panicking. You tell her you have gas in your stomach, she will rush you to the hospital extremely worried.


You are tired after the game, she will feed you too much food to make sure you do not fall sick even though you are just tired from the game.


Mothers are always the same be it a human mother or an elephant mother. The only difference between the two is the size.


Janita, an Indian elephant mother gets all panicked as she goes near her cub and tries to wake him up. Even after several trials when her baby Maximilian does not wake up she gets all worried and anxious.


She starts panicking because the baby is still in sleep. This is when a caretaker of the zoo has to step in.


Janita and her baby Maximilian are the residents of The Prague Zoo and Maximilian is the only elephant baby to be born on the land of The Prague Zoo in about 80 years.


The caretaker of the park then comes near Maximilian and looks at the baby who is deep in sleep. He then decides to shake the baby up. He jolts him really hard several times and that is when the baby got up from his sleeping slightly breaking his eyes open.


The mothers are always mothers and this one got scared when her baby just slept a little extra.

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Rec0mmended Video:

[rumble video_id=v3dof1 domain_id=u7nb2] “Classical Pianist Plays Bach To Blind Elephant”


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