Categories: life

At Age 72 She Taught Herself How to Do Pull Ups and Other Incredible Workouts

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Lauren Bruzzone is breaking all the stereotypes and is giving out new inspiration to all of us.

We, humans, have the tendency to give up things before we even start them. A human should always keep learning more and more and should only settle down the day they shut their eyes forever.


Lauren Bruzzone is becoming an inspiration for all of us here. If she can do it at the age of 72 then why cannot you?


Lauren Bruzzone is a 72 years old woman who is trying to achieve her goal. One day she decided to achieve her goal of mastering the art of pull-ups and that is when she started talking the classes with Wesley James.


The woman has been pretty active all her life. For most of her life, the former lawyer had been practicing ballet. After that, she joined classes for slow intensity workout.


At the age of 67, she left the classes and tried to do something different. That is when a friend of hers suggested her to join cross fit training and the rest was history. She joined the classes and that is how she built her goal.


James says “Everything I teach her is pretty different to her. She has never learned something like this before.


My style is very different from what she has learned in cross fit. But she is working hard to achieve her goal. She stays back after the classes and works on her strength.”


James added “She says that she is in no hurry but all she wishes is to achieve her goal once. She says that she will be working hard even if she turns 78 because that is the time she has given herself. By 78, she has to master the art.”


This is how a human should be motivated and determined. Hope the story inspires you just like it inspired us.

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