Categories: FunlifeQuiz

How Many Eggs Are Left? People Are Left Confused By This Tricky Puzzle About Eggs

While frying eggs is relatively easy, one perplexing puzzle about eggs has left the internet divided.


Solving viral puzzles and riddles is not only fun but also great for training your brain and boosting your mental wellbeing.

Source – The Laugh Club – Newsner

If you enjoy ingenious puzzles as much as we do, you’re going to love what we have in store for you this time.


The riddle goes like this: I have six eggs. I broke two. I cooked two. I ate two. How many eggs are left?

Source – Pixabay

As the riddle suggests, your job is to find out how many eggs are left. Though this may sound easy, think carefully before giving your final answer.

Source – Pixabay

The most logical answer to our riddle is FOUR. If you had 6 eggs and you went on to eat TWO of them, those two eggs are likely the same eggs you also broke and cooked.


Many people, however, answer with 0 since the puzzle is designed to trick you into thinking that the eggs that you broke and cooked are different than those that you ate.

Source – Pixabay

If you liked this challenge, feel free to try and solve the math problem below. Your job this time is to look carefully at the picture and find out what the missing number is.

Credit – Unknown

What’s your answer? 18? Or perhaps 0? While these are both wrong, the puzzle actually has two correct solutions – 15 and 20.


Here’s how to solve the math problem and find the missing number step by step.

First, let’s assume that B stands for a blue car, R for a red car, and G for a green car.

B + B + B = 18, meaning that 3B = 18 and that B = 6. Therefore, the value of the blue car is 6.


R + R + R = 9, meaning that 3R = 9 and that R = 3. Therefore, the value of the red car is 3.

When it comes to green cars, things get a bit more complicated. By using the trial and error technique, you can find two possible solutions as shown below.

G x G – G = 6, meaning that G can be 3 because 3 x 3 – 3 = 6 [9 – 3 = 6].


G, however, can also be -2, whereas (– 2) x (– 2) – (– 2) = 6 [4 + 2 = 6]

If we follow the first path, B X R – G equals 6 x 3 – 3 [18 – 3], meaning that the correct answer is 15.

If we pursue the second option, B X R – G equals 6 x 3 –(– 2) [18 + 2], meaning that the correct answer is 20.


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