Categories: Entertainmentlife

The Efforts to Censor the Pro-Life film ‘Unplanned’ Backfires

The big tech and media have been trying their best to censor the pro-life movie ‘Unplanned,’ but things for the movie have gone well.


The film had great success on the opening weekend, and it is currently running more per screen revenue than the other big budget films like ‘Captain Marvel’ and all.

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The planned parenthood’s follower count increased on the film’s twitter account, and people love the movie. The twitter account has more than 324,000 followers and then some more 65,000 followers.


The film is running successfully even after the attempts of censoring it and putting problems in between.

The twitter account for this movie was suspended on twitter temporarily and then when it was activated again, and people weren’t able to follow the account. Whosoever started following the account were immediately removed from the follower’s list.


Though Twitter said that they didn’t do it because it was some glitch. The journalist, Tim Pool questioned the Twitter CEO about their negligence towards the systematic problem that is faced by people on their platform.


Tim also claimed that it is very unprofessional and inconsiderate of them to say that it is some glitch and they didn’t do it intentionally.

Tim also said that that he faced some error with Youtube while he was trying to upload a video and the site kept saying that there’s some unknown error.


The former Planned Parenthood executive, Abby Johnson on whom the biopic is based on is still not verified on Twitter. She claims that she applied for the verification many times, but it is still unverified.

The same situation is with the lead actress Ashley Bratcher, who portrays as Johnson in the flick.


The film also scored 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, and cinema score gave it an A+ rating. The film got more views after the big techs tried to censor it. It is getting more likes with every passing day, and it is getting famous.


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