Categories: Foodlife

5 Health Benefits Of Eating Durian ‘The King Of Fruits’

Durian is not so common fruit but known as the “king of fruits.


” It is different from other fruits and its smell is very strong, it is thorn-covered husk and large size. It can grow 6 inches in diameter and as large as 12 inches long and, and typically weighs up to 2-7 pounds.

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What does durian give on the nutritional side? Durian has many benefits which we don’t know, and there are various ways to have it with your meals.


Health Benefits of Durian:

1 Boosts Immunity

Its antioxidants quality such as Vitamin C keeps your immune system strong to working in its best. There is a high amount of Vitamin C in Durian fruit that protects against free radicals, which are produced as a result of the reaction between oxygen and certain molecules.

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The right amount of Vitamin C purifies and clean your system properly. Vitamin C provides immunity towards common diseases such as flu and cold.


2 Bone Health

Durian is the best source of getting potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese, all of these is very important in sustaining and developing bone strength and durability. Also, potassium is very helpful in increasing the efficiency of nutrient uptake by the cells. These essential minerals prevent the development of osteoporosis for patients regardless of age.

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3 Good Source of Energy

One serving of Durian fruit provides 243 grams, which fulfill about 20% of your daily needs for carbohydrates. Some people do not like to eat this fruit and they do not include it in their diet, but athletes, runners, and individuals who need some extra energy find this fruit as the best option for Carbohydrates. Just 5 servings of this fruit will cover your entire day’s complement of carbohydrates.


4 High Fiber Content

Another important benefit of the Durian fruit is its high fiber content. A serving of durian provides approximately 9 grams of fiber which is 37% of your daily needs, this is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. There are many fruit smoothies that cannot replace its benefits, even in multiple servings.

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5 Treatment for Anemia

Durian fruit has various minerals and high levels of folic acid, which is a very important component in the production of red blood cells. Eating Durian fruit makes your RBC production normal, and as a result, the symptoms of anemia will disappear, which include migraines, indigestion, anxiety, fatigue, and cognitive malfunction.




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