Categories: FoodHealthlife

People Who Drink DIET COKE Every Day Consume 200 Extra Calories

According to research, consuming diet drinks won’t help the kids to cut down on calories as they end up consuming more.


The drinks are made in a way which is healthier and less sugary, but then kids consume sugar in other things.

When the researchers looked at the graphics, they could see more than 7000 children in the US, but only those who used to drink water consumed fewer calories. The children who consumed diet drinks seemed to have more calorie count than the ones who just consumed water.


The diet drinks have more than 200 calories plus the sugar in other food items that are consumed by the children. When the children or adults are trying to lose weight than consuming diet drinks will not help as it just adds up the calories.


The research was done at George Washington University in Washington DC where the drawbacks of consuming soft drinks and diet drinks were pointed out.

Dr. Allison Sylvetsky who is a study author said that the results are changed when people consume low-calorie sweet drinks thinking of cutting down their weight or calories.


According to the studies it was found that children and teenagers should consume water as it is the best choice for them.


If the kids who consume diet drinks are compared with the kids who consume water, then diet drink increases their calorie consumption to 200 calories per day.

Sugar drinks increase the calories to 312 calories, and if drinking both diet and sugar drinks then it rises to 450 calories per day.


When people consume diet drinks, then they feel hungry after that which makes them consume other food items and increase their calorie intake.


The study is vital to bring the changes as kids in Western Nations are overweight. It is essential to make your kids consume healthy things rather than the diet soft drinks as it will just increase their calorie count and will not help in making any difference.


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