Categories: life

A Double Decker Bus Was Turned Into A Bedroom For Homeless People To Sleep In

Serving the homeless people is a good deed.


Around the world, there are plenty of social volunteers who are taking step towards making lives a little more better for homeless people.

There have been plenty of initiatives taken to provide homeless people with a safer place to live. Recently a Double Decker with in-built beds has been developed by a group of volunteers for the homeless.


The bus named Hope has 12 bunks, a kitchen, a lounge, with two showers and two toilets. The converted double-decker bus will arrive on the streets of Newport, Wales to provide the homeless with a safe place to sleep.


The bus is ideal for 12 people to sleep and it has all the necessary amenities, like toiler, shower, and kitchen. The bus has been built by volunteers of Helping Open People’s Eye (HOPE) by collecting money for a year. The project has reached its finishing stage and the bus will soon roll on the roads.


It was Ian, a self-employed minibus driver who started collecting money for the project in October last year. Both Ian and his wife Tammy had this idea in their mind of creating a night shelter for the homeless.


Ian said that he and his wife have been feeding the homeless people for four years now and they have been seeing a lot of people sleeping on the roads. The couple had been thinking about creating something innovative and reliable for homeless people.


They started collecting money for the initiative and later it was taken over by the HOPE volunteers who made their dream come true. Ian brought a double-decker bus and started the converting process with the fellow volunteers.


Though the bus is ready to roll, it still has some finishing works to go after which it will be readily available for the homeless people.

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