Categories: Quiz

Which Door Do You Think Leads To Freedom?

Solving riddles are perfect for people who want to give their brains their much-needed mental workout while having some fun at the same time.


If you are looking for brain exercise, you are in luck!

We have a very tricky riddle —which was created by GPuzzles— prepared just for you! And it will certainly harness the power of your brain!

The instruction in solving this riddle is very simple: puzzle players have to figure out which door leads to freedom.


You are starting to think now, aren’t you?

Well, if you are ready, let’s start!

Think about this scenario: Indiana Jones was trapped in a dungeon and the three doors are the only way to escape.


These are the things that he has: buckets filled with food, medicines, and water to drink.


Door number 1 leads to a 5-meter wall of fire.

Door number 2 leads to a hungry bear and his cub.

Door number 3 leads to a lake filled with crocodiles.

Which door do you think is the path to Indiana Jones’ freedom?

Courtesy of Gpuzzles



If you are struggling to solve the riddle, here’s a little hint for you: think about the stuff that Indiana Jones has, and how he might use it to determine which door will lead to freedom.

Courtesy of Gpuzzles



Do you have the answer now? If yes, then it’s time to double-check if you got it right. Scroll down to view the answer


The Answer

The correct answer is the first door.

If you are wondering how and why, allow us to explain.

Door number 2 is not the correct answer because the bear will try its best to protect the cub, even if you offer her your food.


Door number 3 is incorrect as well as swimming in a lake with crocodiles is definitely not a good idea.

Door number 1 is the correct answer because Indiana Jones can use the bucket to fight the fire with the water from the lake and can also distract the crocodiles with the food he had.


If you enjoyed the riddle featured in this article, please SHARE this with your friends and family to challenge them too!


Stay tuned for more challenging yet fun-filled riddles!