Categories: Animals/Pets

Loyal Dogs Grieve Over Loss Of Beloved Friend By The Side Of The Road For More Than A Month

Two loyal dogs have been guarding the deceased boy of their friend for over a month in a Chinese village after their canine playmate was hit by a car.


According to a local resident, the stray dogs wouldn’t leave their dead friend behind and they stood guard next to its body.

The pooches would run away whenever people come close to them. After passersby leave, they will return to their post, according to a resident.


A video released by Pear Video showed one of the two dogs guarding its late friend at a village in Qingyang.

A female villager told reporters that the dead canine had been hit and killed by a vehicle. She found out the situation when the two stray dogs kept barking at her one night while she walked past the spot.


At first, she was confused about why the dogs did not let her walk near them. The next day, she discovered that “they were protecting their dead friend.”


“[They] remain here maybe because they are scared that strangers would go close [to their friend],” she expressed.

She also said that the two dogs had been guarding their canine friend day and night – so long that they had left marks on the ground.


The villager buried the dead dog on the same spot, according to Pear.

One person said: “Dogs can be more caring than a great many people!”


Another commented: “I’m a cat person by default, but it always amazes me how dogs show such devotion to other dogs and to us humans. If I had the time to provide, I would have a dog.”


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