Categories: Animals/Petslife

Dogs Causes A Fuss When Denied Couch Privileges

Reuben, a bulldog, requires love and attention of his owner and the owner’s family was happily treating the dog, but they also need time for relaxing.



Initially, it was said that the dog needs attention and love to which the family was ready to give it. But there comes a moment when the dog sees his owner relaxing on the couch and trying to sleep.


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At this, the dog comes close to his owner and tries to draw its attention by making noise that its little nose can make.


The dog also tries to jump over its owner who is sitting on the couch. Unable to do it, he starts to blow his nose over the owner’s face so that he can draw the owner’s attention.  


Now, the owner of the dog sprays something in its face, but it did not find the act to be a funny one. Therefore, he makes a sad face to his owner and starts bowing his head down and then goes to his bed.


To this, the owner said that the dog starts using his bed without being able to get the attention of his owner.

He further added that the dog’s bed is rarely used as the pet love to lie on its owner who is relaxing somewhere else. 


Reuben did this as he was denied couch privileges, and when he went to his bed. With this, the dog started to bark loudly and also stomp over his bed. In addition, he started to kick around for no such reasons. He also pouts as he wanted to get more attention from his owner.


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