Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10

Dog’s Adorable Reaction When The Baby Was Introduced To Her For The First Time

How do you think dogs behave when there is a new addition to the family?


Eddie and Yvonne had a little Chihuahua named Quica. Quica was so protective of Yvonne’s baby bump that she never allowed Eddie to touch the bump in her presence. It was this attitude of Quica that her masters knew for sure that Quica is going to love and protect the baby as her own.


So, when finally the day had come of introducing Quica to the baby Nicholas, they decided to capture the moment.


Nicholas was just four-day-old when Eddie decided that it’s time for Quica to meet Nicholas. She was wagging her tail quietly when Nicholas was brought to her. She gently threw herself on the floor, on her back when she saw Nicholas, a sure sign of affection and submission.



Quica even tried to kiss the baby with her snout, but Eddie knew where to draw the line. Nicholas was just four-day-old and very fragile; he couldn’t take a risk that big. However much Quica loved Nicholas, she was still a dog, and Nicholas was still fragile.


Yvonne said that Quica guards Nicholas’ crib at any given time and alerts them even when he makes the smallest of sounds or actions. She is gentle; she knows not to touch Nicholas. She tries to be very much motherly to Nicholas.


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