Categories: Animals/PetsDaily top 10life

Poor Doggy Reacted As If It’s The End Of The World When He Found Out It’s Bath Time


It’s amazing how the mind works because several different minds can be looking at or experiencing the same thing but you’ll get several different interpretations and reactions.


Take spiders, for example. For those with arachnophobia, probably even the mention of a possible spider presence may be enough to set the person off into a near mental breakdown.

But to anyone else, they’ll probably be wondering what all the fuss is about.


Watch the video of this dog with bath trauma below.

[rumble video_id=v5ngcf domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

And that’s how some people can work as window cleaners dangling precariously high above a skyscraper or have construction workers walking on a narrow I-beam where there is only open air on either side and still be calm enough to have a sandwich where they are during their break.


This also probably explains how adrenaline junkies can so much of a high doing things that most people would deem as crazy or just not worth risking their lives over.


And the fascinating thing about all this is that however which way the mind reacts, there is a corresponding bodily reaction.point 105 | This is why when you’re surprised to see your crush as you turn the corner, your heart starts beating wildly.point 201 |


Or just before going on stage in front of a lot of people, you start getting the so-called butterflies in your stomach.point 98 | It makes one think more deeply about the mind-body connection and how keeping both at a healthy level may impact our daily lives.point 205 | 1


In any case, this mind-body reaction thing is not limited to humans as can be clearly seen in the video. This poor doggy found out that he’s about to have a bath. You must have had a dog like this at least once in your life and while you are sympathetically watching the dog as he shakes all over, you also can’t help but release a giggle or two at the sight, just like the dog’s amused owner.


She can be heard telling him, “It’s just a bath.” But the dog continues shaking and she has to gently push the poor guy in the butt just to get him to move. But as soon as she removes her hand, he stops and looks at her with those soulful eyes as if asking, “Why are you doing this to me?”


It’s just like those phobias mentioned earlier. Some dogs take the news of getting a bath as if they won the jackpot while others, like the featured dog, react as if it’s the end of the world. Perhaps he had a traumatic experience in the bath while he was a pup, but either way, it’s just so funny to watch.


