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Six-year-old Rescue Dog Saved Six People Trapped In A Collapsed Quarantine Hotel In China

A six-year-old rescue dog saved the lives of six people trapped in a collapsed quarantine hotel in Fujian Province of southeastern China.


On Saturday, a 66-room quarantine hotel collapsed in Fujian Province of southeastern China and people were left trapped in the wreckage.

Southeastern Morning

English Springer Spaniel named Bei Bei worked for three days to find people trapped in the collapsed quarantine hotel.


Bei Bei’s paws were cut by sharp objects but despite getting wounds on its four paws, Bei Bei managed to find six people trapped in the wreckage.

After working non-stop for three days, he was sent to receive treatment for its injuries.

The dog is now being hailed as a hero for saving the lives of six people despite getting injured.

Xiamen Daily
Xiamen Daily

Firefighter Yi Wenbing, who raised Bei Bei, said there were sharp iron pieces and broken glasses in the wreckage but Bei Bei still managed to find three people within the first 15 minutes of the rescue operation.


Mr. Yi told The Beijing News: “Yesterday afternoon we noticed that Bei Bei was moving more slowly and found cuts on all of its paws.”

He was then sent to receive treatment and is now recovering.

The Beijing News

When the story of Bei Bei was shared online, he was hailed as a hero for saving six people.


One user wrote: ‘Dogs are humans’ best friends forever! Please treat them with kindness.’

Another said: ‘Salute to the firefighters and Bei Bei. Please respect every single life, even if they are just animals.’


The 66-room quarantine hotel in Fujian Province of southeastern China was recently turned into a quarantine facility.

On Saturday, the hotel collapsed and people were left trapped in the wreckage.

62 people have been rescued so far but 20 of them died. Nine people are still trapped in the wreckage.




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