Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Dog Owner is Spreading a Message That Zoflora Can Be Poisonous to Dogs After Her Pup Almost Died

Zoflora is the new trending disinfectant that can be found in almost every household as it is a must-have cleaning product these days.


But have you wondered how safe it really is?


A concerned and heartbroken dog owner is spreading the message as she asks people to keep the disinfectant away because it can be poisonous for their dog after her dog had a poisonous reaction after coming in contact with it as it may smell heavenly but it contains benzalkonium chloride which can be hazardous for dogs.


Donna Brydon shared a post as she was left heartbroken after her 12 weeks old King Charles spaniel baby Skye had come in contact with the disinfectant.


She wrote “my baby came in contact with Zoflora and had her eyes swollen so badly. She could not move and was so sleepy the whole time.

I grabbed her and rushed to the vet. The vet treated her and there she was back with her adorable happy face. For a minute I thought I lost my baby.”


Veterinary Poisons Information Service that works and help dogs 24 hours said that in the last one month then have received thousands of cases due to the same disinfectant that is available very easily at Amazon and other outlets.


The disinfectant is horrible for dogs and if they have it at home, the pets will be around them all the time and more such incidents will happen that will risk their lives.

The danger is not just for dogs but for cats too and for all the animals. Cats go around the house all the time and there is no way you can hide anything away from your cat, thus they can get infected and the reaction can kill them.


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