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A Dog Suddenly Mimicked The Siren Of An Ambulance That Passed By And It’s Just Hilarious


Dogs have come a long way from the time of our ancestors when they used to accompany our forebears who were out on the hunt for food or to track down predators that were menacing their primitive communities.


Now, dogs, and other pets, in general, are often seen lounging in couches lazily waiting for the next meal. They’re mostly pampered and even dressed up in accessories like their owners so that they can be paraded to the world in all their dazzling glory.


Of course, dogs still perform a lot of practical duties such as in the realm of law enforcement and the service dogs who assist disabled people. But overall, you tend to own a dog for fun rather than for their ferocious prowess.

Watch this dog copying the siren below.


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Video credit: Rumble

And because people like having dogs for fun, they often try to teach them little tricks like “sit” or “fetch” and there’s a very real feeling of pride when their dog follows their commands. As is typical with most endeavors, this practice has even reached professional levels with competitions meant to find out whose dogs can follow commands the best.


Then again, there are also dogs who can’t teach a command to save their life. And that’s fine because if humans display varying degrees of talent, so can dogs.


Some dogs, though, are really good at mimicking, with hilarious results. Some would copy the limp of their owner or sleep when the owner takes a nap.

But one dog surprised his owner by mimicking the sound of an ambulance that just passed by. We don’t know what got into the furry guy’s mind but whatever it was, it definitely resulted in a lot of giggles that surely made the owner’s day.


The dog can be seen in the video just lazing around on the couch with his cat buddy in the background. Suddenly, the wail of an ambulance siren can be heard and the dog perks up. The ambulance can be heard passing and then the sound eventually fades away. Then the dog pulls the surprise by imitating the sound of the ambulance siren!


The dog’s owner couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the dog’s antics. Once the owner start’s laughing, the dog even looks at the camera with an expression that seemed to say, “What?” It’s good she shared the video because seriously, something like this is too good to keep to oneself.


Dogs can surprise us in so many ways and we’re just blessed for it.



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