Categories: Healthlife

Doctor Used TikTok To Explain Why People Shouldn’t Wear Disposable Gloves In Supermarket

An NHS doctor decided to use social media to explain why people should not wear disposable gloves when buying groceries and other essentials in supermarkets.


Dr. Karan Rangarajan told people that rubber gloves are not a good alternative for regular hand washing.

“You’ve got your gloves, you’re at the supermarket, you’re touching things – there you go. Germs,” he said in the video.

Dr Karan Raj

“You keep touching more things throughout same day with these same gloves, germs everywhere. You’re accumulating germs. Your glove is now more full of germs than your hand would’ve been if you washed each time.


“Remember, with these same gloves you’ll be touching your steering wheel, you might accidentally touch your face, transferring the germs to yourself.”

Dr. Rangarajan continued: “And then when you’re changing the gloves you might actually be touching the glove itself.

Dr Karan Raj

“Just wash your hands, be sensible, stay safe.”

In the United States, former ER nurse Molly Lixey also shared a similar video on Facebook. She told her followers how germs can transfer from one surface to another even if a person is wearing gloves.


She said it is fine for people to wear gloves if they are completely aware of cross-contamination. In the video, she wore some gloves and imitated touching a package with germs. She used green paint as ‘germs.’

Dr Karan Raj

Lixey then simulates her cellphone ringing and scratches her nose while wearing the gloves. She removes her gloves, picks up the phone, and her hands become coated right away in green paint.


She then urged people not to touch their phones or faces while wearing the gloves and to toss them in the bin after use.

Molly Lixley

The Public Health England also shared these opinions. A spokesperson told the Independent: “PHE is not recommending the use of gloves as a protective measure against Covid-19 for the general public.


2People concerned about the transmission of infectious diseases should prioritise good personal, respiratory and hand hygiene.”

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