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Doctor Accidentally Performed An Abortion On The Wrong Woman After Confusing Her With Someone Else

A doctor and nurse in South Korea accidentally performed an abortion on a pregnant mother after confusing her with another woman.


The woman was 6 weeks pregnant when she visited the clinic to receive nutritional supplements.

However, the doctor and nurse forgot to check who she was and gave her anesthetic before the procedure.


According to Yonhap News Agency, the woman was prescribed a nutritional injection which she was told to receive in the delivery room of the clinic, which is based in Gangseo.

But after a mix-up of patient records, the nurse failed to confirm her identity and injected her with anesthesia.


Then, the doctor performed the abortion. It is thought that the method was surgical as the woman received anesthetic.

The woman then came back to the hospital as she experienced bloody discharge. That’s when she received the news that her baby had been aborted.


According to the Gangseo Police Station, the nurse and the doctor are both under investigation on suspicion of professional negligence.

“The doctor and nurse have acknowledged their fault,” they said.


Police launched an investigation into the incident, which occurred on August 7.

Abortion is still illegal in South Korea but the current laws are due to change by 2020.

Women who undergo the procedure can be imprisoned or fined and doctors who perform it can also go to prison – with exceptions for pregnancies due to incest or rape, or if the pregnancy is threatening the life of the mother.


This is not the first time an abortion blunder happened but the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said a patient mix-up is ‘rare.’


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