Categories: Animals/Petslife

Diver Convinces Baby Octopus To Discard Its Plastic Cup In Exchange For A Seashell For Protection 

Conservationists estimate that there are more than 2,60,000 tons of plastic waste roaming in the oceans.


Not only do these various kinds of plastic pollute the water but they also are dangerous to ocean life that gets caught in them or swallows them. 

Time and again, there are video emerging of incidents where divers are spotting marine animals stuck in plastic or news of fish dying due to plastic consumption.


Recently a video surfaced online where scuba divers in Lembeh, Indonesia are seen convincing a baby octopus to switch homes and discard its plastic cup and embrace seashells. 


Octopi are clever creatures who use their environment to their advantage, and plastic waste is now a permanent part of their environment. But they do not realize that trash like plastic cup offers zero visual protection. 


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One of the divers, Pall Sigurdsson said that his dive buddy signaled him to come to help a baby octopus who was using a plastic cup as its protection.point 429 |


 Now, for Pall, it has not been the first time he was seeing octopi making homes out of garbage.point 79 |  The divers decided to help the little veined octopus.point 126 | They spend their entire dive and almost all of their oxygen to the cause.point 186 | point 186 | 1


Fortunately, they were successful in persuading the baby veined octopus to give up its transparent plastic cup for sturdy seashells. 


Veined octopi are born with an instinct to protect themselves from the predators. They use clamshells or coconut to form a mobile home; however, sometimes they employ plastic containers and cups in the absence of natural materials.


Now this means that not only octopi become more vulnerable to predators due to transparent cover, but also their predators would eat them with the plastic.


 Pall revealed that trash has occupied so much of the ocean that it is almost impossible to film marine life without trash in the frame.


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