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Being Disturbed By Noisy Chewing Is A Psychiatric Disorder, Not A Personal Preference

Did you know that simple thing in your life is a psychiatric disorder? More than expected, some people tend to be frequently choked by the noisy chewing habit that comes from their other.


  Some people do chew that loud that someone sitting at the next table can hear the crushing sound. If you find yourself being annoyed by this sound to an extent that you hate the source then it is no longer normal, it is a psychiatric disorder.

According to the Newcastle University researchers, this hatred comes from the chemistry of the brain and sometimes can be severe.


This abnormality in brains is scientifically named misophonia. It is a disorder that creates in people a significant distaste for specific attitudes. The attitudes are like loud chewing mentioned above.  Others in the same category to loud chewing are faster eating, loud breathing and pen clicking.


In 2001, this disorder was considered to be purely a brain disorder.point 57 | But later according to one of the American journals, scientists wrote that this disorder could influence various parts of the brain upon detection of the unwanted habit.point 200 |
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The journal used pictorials to show the occurrence of this disorder in the brain.point 368 |


They displayed various changes that simultaneously take place these taste were smelt.point 74 | The brain then immediately responds to these detections by triggering out various emotional control mechanisms that display the signs of dissatisfaction with the environment.point 225 |


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The brain responds to this by some psychological mechanics that vary from one individual to the other but commonly illustrated through an increase in heartbeat or profuse sweating.  This comes with luck of comfortability, and the individual may be forced even to portray some body language.  


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A professor of Cognitive Neurology at Newcastle University and UCLA made comments that he was part of the team that conducted the study at some patients during the research periods.point 252 |


Prof.point 5 | Tim Griffins said that however, this disorder had been a disgrace to some people, he hopes that these findings would make them aware of what always transpires in their life in such situations.point 165 | “I hope this will re-assure the patients,” he concluded.point 217 |


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The team of researchers then did a major comparison between the sufferers of misophonia and those who showed normal condition. They did this by using an MRI scan machine to evaluate this disorder of the brain to investigate what causes it and its possible control mechanisms.


The comparison made some excellent observations of note.point 149 | They discovered that the brain is set to receiving three different categories of sounds.point 224 |


That is; a neutral sound, trigger sound, and finally an unpleasant sound.point 62 | They went on to note that neutral sound was associated with regular occurring in an ordinary person’s life.point 154 | Some of which they identified as the sound coming from rainfall, a cafe, and boiling water.point 230 |


On the other hand, an unpleasant sound was discovered to associate with un-familiar happenings to human closely.point 96 |   Some of the unpleasant sounds they could identify from these samples were sounds from a crying baby and sound from someone screaming.point 210 |


Both facilitate the normal body reaction, and no one can detect in a change in body function upon hearing of these sounds.point 101 |
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To those who are easily triggered by some sounds, here are the triggered sound s as found by Professional researchers of the Newcastle University.point 123 | A sound from eating or breathing is the trigger sounds.point 169 | The research findings revealed that a body of people suffering from misophonia would react effectively to sensing these sounds.point 278 |


They cause a noticeable change in brain activity.point 42 | This then confirms that this hatred somebody may have towards one sound is all on brain activity and not on an individual self-personalities and principles.point 174 | The sufferers should not blame themselves for it but rather their brain chemistry!
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Wanna know why you are so upset about noisy chewing?
Click the video and learn more:)point 170 | 1