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Couple Spent $60,000 To Buy Hundreds Of Disney Dolls

Watch the couple’s huge collection of Disney dolls


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A couple has spent around $60,000 to buy hundreds of official Disney Dolls.

Mario Menendez and Lazaro Roque, who have been together for six years, have a huge collection of Disney Dolls and have already spent $30,000 each to buy the dolls.


The couple shares their incredible collection of official Disney Dolls on their Instagram page and YouTube channel for Disney Doll lovers.

Lazaro said: “The entire collection, Disney and non-Disney, we’re talking in the 65-70,000 dollar range. As long as Disney keeps producing them then I’ll keep buying them but if Disney stops then that’ll be it for me.”


“Honestly, unless it was like a dire emergency where we needed money quick I don’t think I’ll ever sell them.”


Mario said he bought Elsa for $1000 and it was the most he ever spent on a Disney doll.

Mario said: “I was not really able to have dolls as a child, just because when you’re a boy your parents tell you – especially Hispanic parents tell you – that you’re not supposed to play with dolls – it’s for girls, it’s not a thing that’s considered normal for most people.”


“I decided specifically to collect Disney Dolls because I’ve always loved Disney since I was little.”


Mario has always loved dolls but Lazaro started loving and collecting dolls a few years back.


Lazaro says that his sister’s a tomboy so they never had dolls in their house. He got his first doll when he was 24 and it was a blue Cinderella doll.

After that, he couldn’t stop himself from buying Disney dolls.

He said: “Disney’s always been a huge part of my life. I’m a big fan of the movies, I used to watch them over and over and over again. If you put on a movie I can tell you all the words to those movies like that back of my hand. I watch them all the time!”


They both admit that they could have done something better with the money like traveling but they say they can’t imagine their life without Disney dolls.


Lazaro said: “When I look at the collection I feel really proud and they make me really happy because it required a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of dedication to have these things and I’m really grateful and I’m thankful that I can have them.”