Categories: FoodHealth

Diet Soft Drinks Might Be Toxic To Gut Bacteria Due To Artificial Sweeteners

Scientists warn that artificial sweeteners which are commonly found in Diet Coke and plenty of other soft drinks are dangerous and could harm your gut bacteria, leading to an internal imbalance.


According to the research, there are six different artificial sweeteners that are approved for use in the EU and US despite being particularly toxic to gut microbes. One of them is the notorious aspartame which has long been widely used despite also being widely criticized.


As the researchers from Singapore and Israel claim, their findings provide “further evidence” of the negative effects of these sweeteners on one’s gut flora which is associated with nutrient absorption, hormone regulation, immune system functioning, and digestion.


Besides aspartame, the researchers also assessed saccharine, advantame, neotame, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium-k of which many are found in sports supplements branded as sugarless or sugar-free.


In their laboratory trial study, which was led by a Ben-Gurion University team, the sweeteners were exposed to essential gut bacteria that had been genetically modified to glow when in contact with toxins.


According to the results of the research, toxins are released upon gut bacteria coming into contact with artificial sweeteners. As their data suggests, it only took 1 mg/ml of the tested sweeteners of turn gut bacteria toxic.


“This is further evidence consumption of artificial sweeteners adversely affects gut microbial activity which can cause a wide range of health issues,” Professor Ariel Kushmaro, study lead, said.


“The results of this study might help in understanding the relative toxicity of artificial sweeteners and the potential of negative effects on the gut microbial community.”


Due to higher demand for products that promote dieting and sugar-free alternatives, the dangerous sweeteners can quickly be consumed in excessive amounts. They have also been linked to cancer, type 2 diabetes, liver diseases, and obesity in the past.


What are your thoughts on this matter? Make sure to avoid harmful artificial sweeteners or consume them in moderation to stay healthy!


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