Categories: Foodlife

Diet Cokes Are Sweetened With Artificial Sweeteners

Doctors have warned about artificially-sweetened drinks that can put your weight on.


Researchers have found that there has been an increase of 200% in LCS usage among children.

There has been a 54% increase amongst adults, too in the past 20 years. Adding to it, it was also found that people consuming excessive amounts of such sweeteners gained more weight.


Reasons behind artificial sweeteners increasing weight:

Over the years, artificial sweeteners are found to be one of the primary causes of increased weight, among other health complications. They can lead to type 2 diabetes as they change the gut bacteria, which may also result in weight gain.


The low-calorie sweeteners are served as an alternative for sucrose, glucose, and fructose due to which, the overall intake of sugar is not reduced.

On the other hand, the carbonated drinks that contain artificial sweeteners are a mixture of both sugar and low-calorie sweeteners so it results in increased sugar content, which might increase your weight.


The Risk Factors associated with consumption of ASB:

According to experts, these beverages are linked to increased heart attack rates, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. It can also cause dementia in old age people.


Studies have found that the usage of sugar-sweetened beverages in place of artificially sweetened beverages reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 5-7%.



As suggested by the doctors, it is better to take a healthy diet of whole grains, seafood, dairy, legumes, and vegetables with plenty of water every day. They also advised never to switch on to low-calorie sweeteners as they pose a lot of risks.


With all the information, it can be concluded that Diet Coke is directly linked to weight gain. Since, the breakdown product of the drink, known as aspartame, harms your entire metabolic rate.

It is suggested to not use such products as they only make things worse. It is also found that the product, aspartame, also obstructs your gut enzyme (intestinal alkaline phosphate).


These artificially sweetened beverages are never a healthy drink to be consumed. They might also increase your hunger and make you less satisfied with the amount of food you eat.


It is recommended to take healthy food and drinks rather than these beverages as the chemicals involved might not breakdown and make you fat.


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