Categories: Entertainmentlife

A Woman Shared A ‘Snoring Swatter’ To Help Others Sleep Better At Night

Studies have found that the UK alone has around 15 million snorers, and some researches have also made the point that males snore louder than females.


So, if you are living with someone who snores loud enough to destroy the peace of your sleep at night, you can buy a “snoring swatter” to help you sleep better at night.

The seemingly funny product was discovered by someone going by the name Aimee in Poundland, and the nice lady decided to share it with others for the greater good of people.


She shared the product on a Facebook group known as “B&M Bargains & More.”

The snap of the product shared by the Facebook user showed a light-hearted “swatter,” consisting of a blue handle and a fist-shaped head.

It is humorously described on the packing to have a “super king size reach.”

B&M Bargains and More/Facebook

Aimee wrote: “Found this in Poundland, I think every woman needs one of these.”


The post got a good response from the Facebook community, earning Aimee more than 890 likes.

“Need!!!!! Currently sleeping on the sofa due to my walrus husband,” someone said in a comment.

Another wrote: “I need one of these.” Someone else joked: “I’m off shopping.”


While someone in real need of the “swatter” said: “I needed this about five this morning, I would of quite happily of jabbed him.”

According to the snoring specs of the UK, every two out of five people have adverse effects on their sleeping routines owing to the snoring people.


The medical explanation of snoring is a rhythmic vibration of soft tissue in the head and neck of a person with breathing while they are asleep.


A number of products are there in the market that claim to decrease the disturbance caused by your bedmate snoring.


Recently, there’s been a claim from a mother that a snore pillow bought from Matalan for just $10 helped save her marriage.

On the other hand, NASA has found in a study that a plant available for a mere $14 can stop snoring.


