Categories: Familylife

Deaf Mother Sharing Quality Moments With Her Daughter During a Trip

Watch the beautiful conversation with deaf mom and daughter:


Video Credit: Youtube/Mary Jane – MJ Grant

In case you’ve got a friend or any loved one who is struggling with dementia, then this is the best place you have come! Here, you would be able to understand the hard realities of this particular condition where it involves the impairment of memory which is sometimes profound.


In fact, there have been multiple conversations which can initiate in making heartache. However, only some precious ones can make the heart soar. This was apparently the case for MJ Grant, the sign language interpreter, as far as the social media page.


One day, this interpreter decided to take her mom (who is 76-year-old) for a ride to a beach. Her mom named as Carmen went on the trip with her. And during the trip, a touching yet brief conversation was captured.

As per sources, the mother was deaf and therefore the tender exchange occurred in total silence and of course in sign language. With the video caption’s aid, the scenarios became quite apparent for the mother to get confused. And this led her with confusion to decide her own daughter and that she was sitting right by her side.


The daughter was immensely caring, patient, and nevertheless kind to her. And she forced her mom in no ways. And instead, she just asked her about her daughter and where she is.


To this, her mom replied with a signed language that she saw her long time back and she has forgotten the memory. Upon then, Grant tried another angle. She quietly asked about where her daughter stays.


The mother replied that she might be traveling. She crossed-questioned her about whether or not she knows her. To this, Grant kept on smiling. She later on provided some details about the family until Carmen’s face was recognized.

The light went off upon then and this left her mom gazing and pointing her daughter when she said whether or not she has given birth to her. This left the daughter nodding and grinding to it. However, this left Grant to give an affectionate and motherly hug to the daughter.


The compassionate and empathetic approach of Grant elicited clarity moments. Carmen again started suspecting that Grant had a sister.

They shared some sign languages and concluded that she had a sister. Grant, later on, posted these moments on social media posts and made it authentic for fans to enjoy.


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