Categories: FamilyHealth

Dazzling Smile of Premature Baby Gives Hope To Parents

via scarymommy

Newborn babies always bring joy to the people around them.


But a cloud of worry tends to accompany the baby’s arrival if the baby is born prematurely. It can make the new parents feel utterly helpless, because there isn’t much they can do to help their baby on their first few days on earth.

That’s how little Freya’s story started. She arrived several weeks premature, and her mother Laurie was naturally worried if Freya would make it. But her worries didn’t need to last long — on Day 5 after her arrival, Freya did something incredible that stole hearts all over the world!


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After the birth and after Freya was placed in a care unit, Laurie came to check up on her baby. She just wanted to make sure her little angel was going to be all right. But just then, Freya gives her mom a sign that meant the world to her: she looks up and shows her the most incredible, beautiful, dazzling smile the world has ever seen!

via Facebook / Love What Matters

“Our first daughter at five days old. 3 lbs. 14 oz., she was happy to be alive! This picture was one I looked at often to get me through the ups and downs of our NICU days. Life is so precious!” — Lauren Vinje, Freya’s mother


How precious is that smile! All babies have adorable smiles, but this smile from her preemie baby meant so much more than any smile has ever meant to Laurie her entire life. It’s a moment she will undoubtedly cherish forever. 

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It’s not just Laurie’s heart that Freya stole with her smile. This photo touched the hearts of so many parents all around the world. It’s like Freya is saying she’s happy to be alive, and wanted to make sure her parents knew!


With her angelic smile, she’s telling her parents that she’s safe and here to stay. Isn’t this the most adorable picture you’ve seen?

Click PLAY on the video below to see more pictures of Freya! To this day, she continues to inspire preemie parents and gives them hope!


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