Categories: Entertainmentlife

Dave Chappelle Received Divided Reviews On His Controversial Standup Comedy Show on Netflix

The recent standup comedy show named “Sticks And Stones” by Dave Chappelle has been vigorously slammed by culture writers.


The controversial show dipped in sarcasm put by Chappelle has left critics and audiences raise their eyebrows and gasps in disapproval.


According to the sources, Chappelle’s sarcastic jokes about Michael Jackson and R. Kelly sex scandal and LGBTQ community are the primary reasons for such unabashed hatred from the critics as well as the viewers.


The hour-long standup comedy show aired on Netflix received a surprising zero percent rating from Rotten Tomatoes.


Such demeaning rating has placed the show in the category of all-time box office bombs such as Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 and Dennis Rodman’s Simon Sez.


The extremely low ratings were gradually increased on Tuesday when it reached to 17 and then 29 from zero.


Fans shunned down the haters when Rotten Tomatoes unveiled a 99 percent audience score for Chappelle’ s special.


According to the sources, the high rating was the cumulative score of at least 3,573 casual reviews who majorly applauded Chappelle for his bold approach to address issues which were never stirred before by any other comic starts because of the prevalence of “cancel culture.”


Rappers Nas and T.I have come forward in support of Chappelle and given him the title of generation’s comedy GOAT (Greatest Of All Time)


Reports have shown that such contrasting review from critics and viewers that made a huge inconsistency in the ratings is a result of major cultural differences among the general public and media personals.


While Dave Chappelle was highly criticized and shunned down for his efforts, there were a whole different lot of people who have encouraged the confidence of the comedy star for putting an end to the “cancel culture.”


No matter how much the talent and efforts of Chappelle was overlooked, the viewers on Netflix and audience present during the show have thoroughly enjoyed the show that made them laugh out loud and think a little deeper about the concerned issue.



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