Categories: Familylife

Parents Hosted Their Wedding At The Hospital Because Their Daughter Was Slowly Passing Away

The two in love at their wedding are the happiest.


Reading vows to each other that are to be followed by them for the rest of their lives for each other is the most significant promise they make to each other. But there are times when a couple gets re-married to fulfill someone’s wish which is dear to them.


Such is a story of a mother and a father who hosted a wedding at the hospital for meeting the wish of their dying daughter.


Jacob Skaratts and Tania Miller have a daughter named Paige who has always dreamt of being a flower girl at their parent’s wedding.


When the parents were told that Paige can’t last for long because of her terminal brain tumor; the couple made their daughters wish their mission and turned their daughter’s hospital room into a wedding venue.


Kylie Marcic, a professional photographer, took the wedding pictures for narrating the emotional ride of the family and her clicked pictures have gone viral since then.

You can look at a mothers face who is at one side getting dressed for a special event but is also juggling with the thoughts of her ill daughter in her head.


But it was not all gloomy for the mother as some moments came when laughter was present.

The couple walking down the aisle for the wedding ceremony along with the flower girl experienced a range of emotions and are visible on their faces.


It is a lot to take in if you are a parent whose kid is about to die in the near future and at the same time you are giving your best to make their remaining time memorable for them.


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