Categories: Familylife

Dad Receives Vile Notes Because Of His Inflatable Santa’s Color

A father who placed an inflatable Santa decoration in his garden said he receives vile notes because of the decoration’s color.


Chris Kennedy shared his ordeal after being targeted by racists as he put up a Black Santa décor outside his home.


The father-of-one livestreamed himself on Facebook while reading one of the notes, saying: “I am trying to be as nice as I can in this very moment because I am actually filled with rage.”


The note, which was signed by ‘Santa Claus,’ read: “You should not try to deceive children into believing that I am a n****.”

He added: “You being jealous of my race is no excuse for your dishonesty.”


The letter was also accompanied by a photo of a white Santa.


In an interview with CNN, Chris from Arkansas said that the person wanted to make him feel unwelcome in their neighborhood.

“The real thing that angered me was the fact that the person who wrote it suggested I move out east where I guess they feel all black people live,” he expressed.


As an act of solidarity, Kennedy’s neighbors are now putting up black Santas to show that racism is not welcome in the community.


The director of the Lakewood Property Owners Associations, Evan Blake, condemned the person and said: “People are buying black Santas and trying to flood the neighborhood.

“Racism is something that we do discriminate against and we will not stand for it.”


One person commented: “Santa Claus is a fictional character and can be any color you want him to be. Idiot who sent the hate mail needs to go back on his meds, and could use some good therapy sessions as well.”


Another wrote: “When my kids were growing up the local garden centre had a black fella dressed as Santa in their grotto, that was 20 odd years ago & as far as I know not one child thought anything about it.”


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