Categories: Familylife

When The Son Doesn’t Budge, The Dad Decides to Give Him a Comb Instead of Razor

It’s pretty simple for kids to get influenced by their parents but, for boys to get influenced by their dads it is quite normal.


When the father and the son come closer it becomes a nice combination to see.

Watch this video of the dad and the son grooming together:

[rumble video_id=v1znrz domain_id=u7nb2]

Video Credit: Rumble


The interests, the bonding and the love which a father and the son share are beyond words and this can become very beautiful when witnessed.


But, if these things are not in common then, things can become pretty serious. The only way to maintain their bonding is by spending time with each other and kids would always love to spend time with their dads.


Most of the times dads are the heroes for their children and sons generally mimic everything their dads do. This incidence has taken place by one such dad, son duo who share everything in common and especially when it comes to grooming.


Playing with children in the fields, playing basketball, football or anything else is pretty common. There are a few children that love activities like swimming, wrestling and other things but a very few children would love to be groomed like their dads.


This is one such incidence that has taken place here because the boy seems to be pretty interested in mimicking his dad.


When his dad grooms himself in the morning, the boy wants to stand right in front of the mirror and groom himself like his dad.


Though little, the boy does not allow his dad to shave and he wants to do exactly his dad does.

The boy doesn’t seem to be budge if the dad refuses to lather his cheeks. So, the dad budges and lathers up the boy completely and gave him a comb to use instead of the razor.


Well, don’t you think this is one of the best things to do when you have kids around you!

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