Categories: life

Dad Bods Are More Appealing to Women Than Men with Chiseled Abs

The appealing body is something every human wants but why to be uncomfortable in your skin? Society is not the one to highlight a perfect body type but it is the advertisement agenda that makes people feel that if they are not lean they do not have the ideal body.



But it looks like women are not tempted by hardcore abs as much as they are tempted by dad bods. It is not us saying it but was discovered in a survey recently that woman may like abs but they would prefer dad bods over the hardcore abs.


The body type is not a recommendation for ordinary people but even the most popular celebrities prefer having the dad bods.


Basically, dad bods make a man fall in love their body and rather than running after an idolized body with solid muscles and abs, it teaches to fall in love with the chubby patches on your body.


A survey was carried out recently and in the survey, the majority of women said they would go with a man with a dad bod.


Now the body type is influencing people and it looks like more and more people are trying to get more comfortable in their skin. A survey was taken out on the topic and 78% people out of all said they would love to have a body they are comfortable in rather than having a body they just have to show off to the world.


In the same survey, 65% of people said dad bods are sexy to them and about 61% of people said that men who have dad bods are sexier.


This has helped in the rising of the body positivity which is a vital point to make in the world we live in.

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