Categories: life

Number of Covid-19 Cases In Italy Can Be 10 Times Higher Than Official 64,000 As Per The Officials

Italy’s tally of Covid-19 cases in the nation can be ten times more than the official figure, which is 64,000, as per the head of agency gathering the data.


Angelo Borrelly said it may be credible to suggest that near to 640,000 people may have been infected with the disease, as only a fraction of the affected has received the essential tests.


Testing of the coronavirus disease has been limited to those seeking hospital care with the health services stretched to limited by the intensity of the outbreak.


As per the latest figures, 6,077 people have lost their lives within a month, a number close to two times the number of deaths in China.


The Civil Protection Agency’s head, Angelo Borrelli, notified that a ratio of 1 certified case out of ten is credible.


The missing cases may help explain high death rate in the nation that is near to 9%, which is higher than France, Britain, or Spain, and a lot higher than Germany.


Angelo Borrelli noted that the biggest challenge Italy was facing was the shortage of masks as well as ventilators in intensive care.


It is the medical shortages that have dogged Italy’s health system since the disease first appeared in Lombardy, a wealthy northern region, on 21st February.


Italy is trying to arrange stocks from other countries, but Borelli said that nations like Romania, Russia, India, and Turkey have stopped such sales.


He admitted that although they have been contacting embassies, they fear masks would not arrive from abroad.

However, Italy’s measures may improve the situation, as the number of new fatalities has reduced from 793 (highest in the world) on Saturday to 651 on the next day and 601 on Monday.


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