Categories: EntertainmentFamilylife

According to a New Study, Couples Who Get Drunk Together, Stay Together

Well, drinking may not be a healthy leisure activity but a new study has found that couples who drink together are happier all the time!


The study published in The Journals of Gerontology embarks on to find out the connection between marital quality and drinking patterns, especially amongst older couples.

The research found out that concordant drinking couples were found to have reduced negative marital quality over time, particularly among the wives.


That is, if the wife and the husband are both drinking in moderation, they are both happy. And if it just the husband or the wife drinking, then he or she is less happy.


Obviously, as we are talking about alcohol consumption, the amount consumed is essential.


However, when looking at the marital quality, the study’s findings stressed on the significance of drinking status, that is; why are you drinking, where are you drinking, and when are you drinking, instead of focusing on the amount of alcohol consumed.


In simple words, just one drink together is enough for your happiness as husband-wife rather than getting full bottle down.

However, the study says that alcohol should only be consumed responsibly as getting pajamaed together is never a good idea.


The study was conducted amongst 4864 mixed participants who had been married for an average of three decades.


The purpose of the study is not the encourage people to take on drinking or change the way they drink, but it simply states the fact that couples who spend more time doing leisure activities together have a better married life.


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