Categories: Familylife

Couples Who Fight A LOT Love Each Other The Most

The couples who fight the most, love each other the most.


Fighting with your partner means you care about them and when couples who fight over something it means they are trying to resolve their problem by communicating instead of living with misunderstandings.

According to recent surveys, ‘’44% of married couples believe that fighting more than once a week helps them to keep healthy and productive relationships for a long time.’’


Here are the reasons why fighting with your partner time to time is good for your relationship:

1. Not every couple believes in yelling or doing personal attacks on each other but they try to do a healthy argument to improve their relationship. This is a sign of maturity and a mature relationship never fails.


2. Fighting with your partner means you care for them as you always fight with them but later get over it. There is a saying, ‘’Some relationships are like Tom and Jerry, they argue and disagree all the time, but they still can’t live without each other.’’


3. The most important thing about a relationship is to trust your partner and arguing is one of the most vital parts of communications as things get clear when you talk about them to your partner.


4. According to psychologist arguing is one of the key points of a healthy relationship. We get a chance to know about our partner only when we communicate with them and no matter if communication leads to an argument. But arguing doesn’t mean yelling at your partner but it should be healthy without raising your voice.


5. Fighting with your partner relieves your bitterness and keeping things in the heart makes your relationship weaker. You should talk about everything to your partner as communication is the most important part of any relationship.


6. Fighting with your partner makes your connection stronger with them. As you both know each other’s strength and weakness and come over all the challenges which make your relationship stronger.

But always remember that the fight and argument should always be healthy and don’t involve any third person into as it leads more misunderstandings. If you make some mistake then don’t hesitate to apologize.




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