Categories: lifenews

Couple Who Refused To Pay Tax Because It Was ‘Against God’s Will’ Are Ordered To Pay $2.3 Million

A couple who didn’t pay tax for almost ten years has been ordered to pay $1.


6 million (AUD $2.3 million).

Rembertus Cornelis Beerepoot and Fanny Alida Beerepoot had previously owned the Melita honey farm in Tasmania. They hadn’t paid any taxes since 2011, claiming it was ‘against God’s will.’


Reports say that the couple represented themselves in court and said to the judge that they were not liable for $650,000 (AUD $930,000) tax bill because everything belongs to God.

“We don’t own anything because we are His [God’s]” and that ‘the law of the almighty God’ was the ‘supreme law of this land,’” Mrs. Beerepoot said, adding: “Transferring our allegiance from God to the Commonwealth would mean rebelling against God and therefore breaking the first commandment.


“As we reject God, the curses upon us become greater, but if we return to God’s teachings there will be healing.


“We rely on the blessings we receive from God, which we give to Him and not to an outside entity such as the tax office.”

Her husband said: “We believe that the constitution affirms the fact that the Commonwealth resides within the jurisdiction of the law of the Almighty God and the law of the Almighty God is the supreme law of this land.”


Associate Justice Stephen Holt did not see things the same way. He said that the Bible doesn’t mention anything about not paying taxes.


“I believe the submissions to be honestly and genuinely held beliefs rather than an attempt to avoid tax liabilities. But in my view, the Bible effectively said that civil matters and the law of God operate in two different spheres,” he said.


The couple told the judge they had contacted Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Queen, saying Australia’s tax laws were void.


Mr. Beerepoot said: “I believe the submissions to be honestly and genuinely held beliefs rather than an attempt to avoid tax liabilities. But in my view, the Bible effectively said that civil matters and the law of God operate in two different spheres.”


The judge ordered them to pay AUD $2.3 million.

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