Categories: Healthlife

Couple Ingests Fish Tank Cleaning Chemical To Prevent Covid-19, Man Dies

A couple in Arizona was admitted to the hospital as they ingested a chemical compound utilized to clean the fish aquarium, chloroquine phosphate, as they suspected the chemical would prevent coronavirus infections.


As a result, the man has died while the lady is in critical care. Hospitals urged people to not self-medicate, which may have adverse health effects as well as strain the medical system during the time when keeping the resources available is vital.


The medical director of Poison and Drug Information Center of the hospital, Dr. Daniel Brooks, said that the doctors understand that individuals are trying to look for new ways to treat or prevent the disease due to incomplete information about Covid-19, however, one must avoid self-medicating completely.


He added that it is the last thing desirable where the emergency departments have to get engaged in treating those patients who believe they have discovered a risky and vague solution, which could compromise their lives.


The man who died was in the sixties and ingested the chemical substance to prevent himself from getting infected with the Covid-19. His wise is near of the same age.

The couple had reportedly taken a teaspoon of the chemical with soda after discovering it in their cabinet. They believed that the concoction was the same as the stuff they were talking about on the TV.


The woman blamed the U.S. President Donald Trump for their trust that the chemical was safe to consume and said that her heart is broken and it would never mend.


She advised that one should not take anything without asking the doctor and be careful. She added that her heartache is something she will never get over.

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