Categories: Familylife

Couple Gets Free Wi-Fi After Naming Their Child After Internet Provider

A couple has received 18 years of free Wi-Fi after naming their baby after an internet provider.


The parents, who chose to remain anonymous in order to avoid being scrutinized by the public, revealed their internet provider rewarded them with 18 years of free internet after their decision to name their baby Twifia.

Source – Pixabay

The bizarre deal is a part of an offer made by a start-up Swiss company called Twifi. As the internet provider explained on their website, they’re offering free Wi-Fi for 18 years to parents who name their children Twifus or Twifia.


As the couple explained in an interview with kidspot.com.au, they have decided to save the money they would otherwise use to pay for their internet for baby Twifia’s future.


“The longer I thought about it, the more unique the name became for me, and that was when the thing got its charm,” the father admitted.


While the mother didn’t agree with the unusual name right away, she eventually realized naming their child Twifia wasn’t a bad idea after all.

Source – Pixabay

“It’s his child too. And for me, the name Twifia also stands for connection in this context. For an eternal bond!” she added.


“There are much worse names. And the more often we say Twifia, the heartier the name sounds!”

Due to feeling “somewhat embarrassed” and unwilling to explain themselves to everyone, the couple chose not to reveal their names and the full name of their baby.

Source – Pixabay

“We want to remain anonymous to those around us because we don’t want to justify ourselves. Because the accusation of having sold our child’s name hits us very hard. We are also a little ashamed,” the parents said.


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