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Satisfying And Sweet! DIY Couple Hand Casting Made With LOVE

Not all gifts last long and if you are searching something that can last forever then this man has exactly what you need.


A replica of your or your loved one’s hand, made with mould is something unique which is best to keep forever.

A casting kit is a new thing that copies the piece of one’s body part to make a statue out of it. The best thing is, it is very simple to use.


Firstly, you need to mix molding powder and water and put a bit of paper or plastic underneath and around the container to keep the are from being dirty.


Now, apply oil to your hand because it will be easy to remove mold later. If you are doing this process with your loved one then join your hands and dip them in the mixture.


When the mold is set properly, it will turn white which means you can remove your hands from it. Move your hands carefully and avoid the mold to get broken.

Take another bowl, blend the casting mixtures with water and pour this into the mold. Wait, and when it hardens, remove the mold from the container.


Now, it is done and your very own hand replica is ready.