Categories: +Animaislife

Couple Decided To Replant An Entire Forest and Years Later, The Endangered Wildlife Returned

It is a heartbreaking truth that earth has been losing its lush green forests and wildlife for years now.


The causes are too many. The pollution, the rape of forests to meet the natural resources demand of the human population.


Killing and hunting of wildlife for their body. Climate change that is unable to provide for the cultivation and sustenance of the forests, etc.


All these causes have killed too many forests around the world and there is nothing much we are able to do about it because we humans are engrossed in making our personal lives better.


Sebastião Ribeiro Salgado is a photojournalist who had been living in Africa and came back to his home about 30 years ago. He returned to see the most horrific thing.


His family had lived in a cattle ranch and when he returned he saw that all the forest that was once home to the wildlife has now died.


The ranch was in a part of Brazil called Minas Gerais. He had always known the region to be lush green and this was a devastating experience for both him and his wife Lelia.


It is then when his wife suggested the near impossible idea. She suggested replanting the forest. Sebastião at first he knew it would take everything out of him and will take years and years to grow back. But the couple did not give up.


They started their mission in 1998 and since then they never looked back. It took them years and years of hard work but they were finally able to replant 1, 754-acres of land as forest.


The forest is now home to172 bird species, 293 tree species, 33 species of mammals, and 15 amphibians and reptiles’ species. Many of these species are endangered.


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