Categories: FunlifeQuiz

90% Of People Couldn’t Count All The Squares In This Picture! But Can You?

As many experts believe, solving riddles and puzzles can help stimulate your brain and improve your performance.


If you’re always looking for ways to improve yourself and the way you do things, you’ve come to the right place. Thanks to our recent ‘count the squares’ challenge, you now have the chance not only to give your brain a workout but also compete with your friends and other people from around the world.


To pass the challenge at hand, you have to find out how many squares there are in the picture below.

Credit – Mambee (photo edited)

While your task may sound easy, keep in mind that there are many more squares than most people are able to find.


To avoid getting to the wrong answer, you should also note that you are only counting squares – keep the other rectangles out of this.

©TierneyMJ – Shutterstock

If you’re still not sure about your final answer, here’s a clue that might just help you solve this puzzle. The squares you’re looking for come in different sizes. While you probably figured this out on your own, you might be surprised to know that they come in FOUR different sizes.


Didn’t see that coming, did you? Take another look at the puzzle before revealing the solution below.


Did you manage to solve our first puzzle? Here’s another similar challenge waiting for you.


Once again, you are looking for squares of different sizes. While we can tell you there are fewer squares for you to find this time, you shouldn’t take this lightly as there are still many more than most people can see.


Take a close look!

Source – Pixabay

Did you find 10 squares? Sorry to tell you this, but there are 11 of them in the picture! This time, we’re not telling you where they’re hiding. Have another look and figure it out.


How did you like these brain teasers? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more puzzles and stories, follow us on Facebook!