Categories: Daily top 10FunQuiz

Count The Animals In The Picture! How Many Do You See?

Horses are magnificent creatures that come in various shapes and sizes.


In today’s visual test, you will meet a very special little horse – a foal named Da Vinci. And if you’re wondering what makes Vinny so special, you better take a close look at the photo of him galloping across the field.


As it happens, Vinny isn’t entirely alone and there’s another animal accompanying him wherever he goes. More so, that animal happens to be a horse as well!


If you don’t believe us, we suggest you take a closer look at the photo above. Focus on the foal’s white patch and you might just see a familiar figure come to life!


According to Wendy Bulmer, Vinny’s owner, the foal’s birth came as a big surprise because Wendy didn’t know that its mother was pregnant.


But the birth of Da Vinci wasn’t the only surprise. The miracle horse was born with an interesting white patch that resembles a horse and spreads all the way from the foal’s shoulder and neck to its leg.


After spotting the artistic detail, Wendy decided to name the special foal after Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the greatest artists that ever walked the planet.


The question, however, remains. Were you able to spot the hidden horse? And how long did it take you before you noticed the detail that was in plain sight this entire time?


This leads us back to the original question – How many animals did you count in the photo of Vinny?


Are there any animals other than Vinny and his horse mark hiding in the same photo?

Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more fun brain teasers and picture puzzles, follow us on Facebook!