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Conservationists Fears Over The Survival Of A Baby Elephant As It Was Spotted Wandering The Plains Trunk-less

A Trunk is a crucial part of an elephant’s body.


They use their trunks exactly like how we use our hands. And we know without our hands, we can’t achieve that much.

Similar is with elephants, their trunk is the only body part they use to eat, drink, and defend themselves.

Sadly, a baby elephant was spotted in Kruger National Park wandering around the plains with a missing trunk.


Fear for the baby’s health has grown after the footage showed the calf walking among his herd without its critical body part.

Safari workers at the Kruger National Park in South Africa said that they have no idea how the baby elephant lost its vital organ but they are suggesting that the calf may have faced a predator that ripped off its trunk.


They said that elephants are prone to encountering crocodiles while sipping water from lakes and rivers. A crocodile must have grabbed the baby by its trunk.


Video credit: newsflare

A lion may also have clung to the trunk while attempting an attack. Another possible reason for a missing trunk is that it could have been caught in a trap set by the poachers.

An elephant’s trunk is a fusion of its nose and upper lip. It is composed of more than 100,000 muscles and tissues and is powerful and dexterous enough to rip off a fully grown tree like if it’s a weed.


Elephants use their trunks to eat grass, pick fruits from trees and use as a weapon against predators.

Moreover, an elephant can hold up to two gallons of water at a time for drinking or cleaning itself. Losing the trunk is the most life-threatening thing that can happen to an elephant.


An adult elephant without its truck cannot survive the wilderness for long as it requires around 500 pounds of food a day and around 50 gallons of water daily to survive. Without its trunk, there is no way it can consume that much water and food.


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