Categories: +Animaislife

Company Turns Pets’ Ashes Into Glass Paws So They Can Stay With Their Owners Forever

Most of us share a strong bond with our pets and losing them can be devastating.


The pain can trigger all sorts of difficult and painful emotions.

Even though some people may not understand how you feel, you should never feel ashamed or guilty about grieving for an animal companion.


Psychologists and doctors are raising awareness about the effects of losing an animal friend on people’s wellbeing, especially when they have family or friends who ignore their grief. Losing a pet can lead to depression and anxiety, and may result in blood pressure and heart issues.


The grieving process can vary from one person to another. Some have photos to keep their departed loved one alive in their hearts. It can also be an object or anything that lets you remember them and the magical role they played in your life.


Over the past few years, more and more companies are turning cremated ashes of both animals and humans into remembrance tokens for their loved ones. One company offers a new way to turn ashes into beautiful keepsakes.

Davenport Memorial Glass specializes in infusing small quantities of ashes into different glass shapes. One of their most popular figures is a paw print, specifically designed for people who have lost their four-legged companion.


The man behind the business, Cameron Davenport, has been perfecting his glass blowing skills for years. He told Bored Panda: “About 10 years ago I lost a good friend. I was given a small spoonful of his ashes that I had just set on my bookshelf for a number of years.


“One day it came to me, and I decided to make him into a marble. There were quite a few friends that thought this was a neat idea and asked me to make them some memorial glass as well. It sort of just snowballed after that.”


Davenport’s skill set helped people cope with their losses. “They love the work I do for them and the meaning behind it. As each day goes on, I become more and more grateful for the people in my life and the time I get to spend with them.

“Doing this type of work really highlights the love in my life. I look forward to many more years of spreading joy and comfort through memorial glass.”


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