Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Crack The Code To The Mystery & Figure Out How Old These Boys Are?

This mystery puzzle is stumping so many viewers online.


Here’s a riddle that’s designed to boost your intelligence but at the same time, it’s also doing wonders at giving your mind a great workout.

Whether you like it or not, exercise is fabulous for your mental and physical health and while most people tend to forget to take out some time to relax and unwind, it’s just so important to do so.

Source: Learning Works

Hence, if you happen to be on that particular bandwagon, we’ve got some news for you. Here is a challenge that’s sure to make your brain work in a manner like no other. Remember, what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger and with that motto, we’re sure you’re destined for success.


Did you know that riddles actually assist your mind and eyes stay in shape? Yes, the more you use them productively, the better they become. After all, eating potato chips and watching television isn’t going to take you places, that’s for sure.

Source: Live Science

We hope we’ve got you in high spirits because sometimes that’s all you need to do well in life. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll down below and let us know how you did with this puzzle!


Can you crack the code?

The thought of math or logic certainly puts many people’s moods off but this riddle just might be a good exception. Look at the tricky graphic shown below and let us know what you think.

Source: Wakeupyourmind

There are four boys and we’re asking you to figure out what their possible ages could be. But wait, it’s not that easy. You must back up your answer with logical justification and that’s exactly where most people stumble. Read the hints carefully because the details are what separates the best from all others.


The right solution is here!

By now, you should be holding on to your answer but let’s see whether or not it’s correct by comparing it to our solution.

Source: National Association

The correct answer is 9,8,7 and 6 years old in that particular sequence. If you paid attention to the clues, you should be getting the same results as us!


Don’t forget to share the viral fun with others and stay tuned for more similar puzzles.