Categories: lifenews

Climate Activist Glued Her Breasts To The Road Amid Green Protests

A climate activist has glued her bare breasts on the cold road amid green protests that have resulted in over 1,000 arrests in London in less than two weeks.


From blocking the highway by doing yoga to gluing themselves on trains, green warriors of the Extinction Rebellion have been trying hard to bring attention to the need to address environmental issues that we are facing.

Jamie Lorriman

For weeks, the activists have been causing mayhem across the city and obstructing the capital’s transport network, resulting in the city losing over $15 million in lost sales.


Recently, four activists also positioned themselves outside the home of the Labor leader and demanded that the party declares a “climate emergency.”

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Another group glued their hands to each other and the wall in an attempt to form a human chain to block the entrance to the Stock Exchange.


While green lovers continue to applaud the activists for their efforts, angry businesses and commuters who are being cut off from their homes and work say that eco-warriors should be arrested. Consecutively, over 1,000 arrests have been made with jails in London getting filled to the last cell.


The activists have been blocking major routes both on the surface as well as underground. Despite the police doing their best to keep them at bay, the eco-warriors are taking the situation lightly and resort to gluing themselves on public transport, dancing, yoga, and singing to counter the authorities.


Perhaps the most bizarre incident so far involved a woman gluing her breasts on the pavement in the middle of a busy street.

Jamie Lorriman

The officers surrounded the eco-warrior and used screens to prevent the public from watching as they were slowly removing her from the ground.


While the protests have allegedly ended, the Extinction Rebellion doesn’t plan on stopping.


“We will leave the physical locations but a space for truth-telling has been opened up in the world. We know we have disrupted your lives. We do not do this lightly. We only do this because this is an emergency,” the group explained in a statement.


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