Categories: lifenews

Clever Mother Tricked Thieves Into Stealing Her Trash After Packing It In Amazon Boxes

A clever mother has executed the perfect trick thanks to which she made porch pirates steal her trash rather than the expensive gadgets they were hoping for.


As Christine Hyatt from Colorado Springs explained, she was desperately eager to get revenge on the thieves that stole diabetes medication she ordered for her daughter.


And so, the mum came upon the idea to save empty Amazon boxes and fill them up with various trash she could find.


After the trash was nicely packed in boxes, the mum placed them on her porch and made it look as if they had just been delivered to attract porch pirates.


Believing that the boxes contain expensive items, it was just a matter of time before the thieves took away all of the trash for free.


“This is my way of fighting back. My daughter can’t afford to have her own medication stolen just because people are jerks!” Christine said in an interview with KKTV11.

Spencer Wilson – KKTV

As she added, her family had already been robbed by porch pirates over two dozen times which is why she started getting worried about what the lack of medication might mean for her sick daughter.


“We forgot to set our trash out for Thanksgiving, so we were overflowing with trash,” the mum said.

“I’ve had packages stolen and I went, ‘You know what? I have extra boxes — let’s see if someone will take our trash!’”

Spencer Wilson – KKTV

And sure enough, thieves picked up several boxes containing everything from cigarette buds to kitchen waste to cat litter.


“If they’re going to steal from me, they get to deal with poo! My daughter told me that it was gross, but they deserve it,” Christine added.

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